< dogscatskidslife, TJ Morgan, veterinary technician, veterinary medicine, consumer, activist, day to day real life events, writer, stories, photographs, photographer, CafePress.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

It Ain't Right...

The picture is of "Brando". He's my most favorite American Staffordshire Terrier in the world. In this picture he is 9 years old. I remember when he first started out in the show ring. It's hard to believe that he is that old now. "Brando" belongs to Kristen and the two of them have won many a dog show.

Well, I heard from 'ol Butch. I got my annual letter in the mail from him on Saturday. Every year his "Dear Taxpayer" letter seems to tick me off just a little bit more.

My children have never been part of the public school system. I homeschooled for 9 years before I returned back to the work force full-time. Now my last two children attend a small private school.

I think that my property tax dollars need to go to the school that my children attend. If I homeschooled then I should keep it or if they go to a private school then they should get it. When my kids finish school then the school district where my property is located can have it back. But not until I am finished using it!

The part of his letter that states, "All of the money you pay to the County Treasurer stays within your community" is really annoying. So it stays in my community. Does that mean that it's useful to me?

How about this sentence?

"The tax rate is based upon budgets submitted by schools, cities, City County Library, City County Health, and the amounts necessary to pay bonded indebtedness previously voted by the people and/or judgements."

I wish I could get my hands on those budgets.

What we need is a group of single moms and fixed income senior citizens to do their budgets for them.

We could call it the "Lean and Mean Task Force"...

...or something like that.



Blogger Moof said...

Wow T.J.! You sound like me! *LOL*

I home-schooled my 4 for the last 8 years of their schooling, and it rankled me to no end that I had to pay for the local public school system - which was a shameful place - while we were barely able to make ends meet.

You have a very good idea. Parents should fight to be allowed to put their taxes into the schools they're actually using!

That's a worthwhile movement ... for anyone who dares to get the ball rolling.

November 15, 2005 9:48 PM  

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